Title: Shelter was the biggest commission piece that I have ever done. I'm so thankful to the Hoppings family to give their trust to do this one of a kind painting.
When I was in 4th year high school I compete along with Joy Fresnido, my batch mate in Cavite Institute. She and I always battle in art contest and she always winning the first place and I always fall for 2nd or third place. The school decided to do some duo. Our tandem on competing other school was phenomenon. We won the trophy and each one of us got a 1000 Pesos cash price. It was a big accomplishment for the school and also to us. That public painting on the hugh wall was very meaningful on what am I now. I would also never forget Mrs. Koni Pascual who gave some one hour lesson and draft before competition. She was a blessing in disguise . God bless her heart for helping young soul.
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